Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Whats Next?

Today was the one day out of the year that I would have killed to have a new gamefly game, but nothing had caught my eye. But then I was reminded that Lost: Via Domus is coming out in a couple of days and I immediately moved it on to my GameQ. I have very high expectations for Lost, being a new fan to the series so given the opportunity to function in the Lost universe and interact with the characters couldn't be cooler. Especially because of the level of detail that will go into this game in terms of easter eggs, hidden achievements and all kinds of crazy stuff. I've only seen a couple of clips of actual game play an it looks decent. Kind of reminds me of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, but knowing that Ubi-soft has been working on the title and has been given strict rules to follow makes me all the more excited. So check out for my review of Lost: Via Domus on the next couple of podcasts. Hopefully it won't disappoint.