Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Impressions - Battlefield: Bad Company Beta (Part 1)

I woke up excited to get my hands on Bad Company for the first time. Without even getting out my bed I had turned on my Xbox and queued up my freshly downloaded beta. After a nice video detailing the gametype we’ll be playing I was ready to defend or steal me some gold. Then I met a foe that I never want to see, an enemy known as server issues. Turns out that are a limited number of servers up for the beta at this time, therefore only a certain number of people are able to play at a given time. Basically a one person leaves another person gets in kind of deal. Later there was a greater success rate, and I was able to fit a few games in. While it didn’t exactly wow me, I was sticking to my usual style of run and gun, that has already gotten me into trouble with Vegas 2 this week. This means I’ll have to readjust before I can give Bad Company my true opinion. I’ll be posting more of my thoughts throughout the beta.

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