Friday, December 28, 2007

The Crystalis Guy Makes a Post

I'm sure you're all wondering where the latest podcast is from your friends here at Scissors 61. We'll friends I'm here to tell you that we've been working non stop on the up coming Shear Awards, the end of the year award show. Max, Gurney and myself have been going over countless categories and nominees in order to bring you good people the end of the year show you would expect from a podcast of this incredibly high caliber. Shooting will start tomorrow and hopefully we'll have something up this coming weekend. Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Clip of the Week: 12- 23 - 07 Being a Dick in Team Fortess Part Deux

Going out of your way to ruin someones day in the real world is taken lightly and half hearted, whether it be from the likes of doopy blooper shows with Dick Clark or in black and white shaky cam via Punked. But when you screw with people online they, GET FUCKIN' MAD (pardon my french). This clip gets really good about half way through, when the scout blocks his own team's door. Team ROOMBA gets my props for at least being creative and not playing Lil' Wayne into their headsets.

Side note - Team Fortress is 2 for 2 on clips of the week. I smell a sweep

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Infinite Ammo

While I wish I had a Wii and that the damn game was out already, I couldn't help myself after coming across this gem in the new screenshots of Kirby's moves in Brawl.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Episode 18: Think About It

Get in the mind of a young Kevin Arnold only to find that he sounds like one of the Wet Bandits. This week we go through the streets of Paradise City yuck it up over the next huge MMORPG. Brian stumbles over every other word and falls into a dark pit of dispair only to utter the word "w00t"... can you smell a video podcast coming .....Episode 18 is coming at ya!

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lightning Bolt!

Apparently these new trailers are the ones shown at E3 and TGS this year, but the public got their hands on it through a book in Japan. The first clip is an extended version of the original FFXIII trailer, with more of Lightning and her gun blade, and a new character on a motorcycle.

The second trailer is for Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and while I'd like to sound like I know about it, I'll allow the trailer to speak for itself.

I just don't understand why Sony doesn't put these trailers out there themselves. Like the Metal Gear Rey versus Rex trailer, a Final Fantasy trailer will make people think about the Playstation 3, and god forbid maybe even buy one.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Loco Pedal Ut Metal

I make it no secret that the Burnout series is one of my favorite video game franchises. I played Burnout Revenge to death on the original Xbox, and when I got my 360 I went out the next day to purchase the newer version for my new console. So it should come to no surprise that as soon as news spread of the demo to Burnout Paradise was available on marketplace I dropped everything in order to trade some paint and check some traffic once again.

So what could Burnout possibly do to make its fifth installment better than those that have come before it. Well the biggest difference right off the jump is that there is no long a menu system to select what events you would like to take part in. Instead you are thrown right into Paradise City, home to an estimated 250 miles of track for you to tool around in. Of course in the demo you get a sweet little piece of this pie along the water. Another change that Revenge players will notice almost right away is the difference in traffic checking. Checking has been adjusted so that no longer do you cause cars driving in the same direction as you to go flying into every which way, you now can crash into them from time to time depending on speed, angle, and so on. This gives Burnout a little more realistic feel, instead of being just so god damn unbelievable with cars flying twenty to thirty feet in the air.

While wandering around Paradise City you'll find certain points of interest and challenges, but what I love is the one button press instant online feature that can be accessed anywhere in the city. With the press of the right button on the direction pad your online menu comes up as you continue to drive around town. You can invite friends to join you or enter another game and instantly be in the same city with up to seven other people waiting to take you down. The host can then choose challenges for the group or everyone can roam free and create new online enemies.

I'm sure to play the demo for the next month until the release of the full game in late January so there will be much more about Paradise on the podcast and here on the blog in the coming weeks. I might as well mention that we've been playing with the new maps for Halo 3. While fanboys will yelp for remakes of their old favorites like hang'em high and sidewinder (prisoner gets no love), all three of the new maps are a breath of fresh air. Standoff is a great medium size CTF or Assault map with plenty of outside and indoor combat points. This was the first one I played around with in forge and made my own map with a lot more vehicles and weapons that aren't seen too often. Rat's Nest will be home to many races involving rockets with its oval track around the outside of the two bases. This leaves us with Foundry, a square room filled with items that can all be changed using forge. I have yet to make my own Foundry map but its sure to be a favorite with the avid map makers. The default layout of Foundry is a grenade lovers dream with plenty of walls for cover and exploding barrels.

One last note, some of us finally got to play around with Mario Galaxy and I for one fell in love at first sight. A Wii would make my Christmas and the wait is killing me, I may just have to freeze myself for ten days.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Clip of the Week: 12- 12- 07 Saving Team Fortress

Check it out: the first ever clip of the week ever. Lets kick it off with a very offensive clip that skates that thin line from disrespectful and land strait in hilarious town. What happens when you take the one of the most serious movie scenes of our generation and add dooppy sound effects. Brilliance. I for one, am all for anything team fortress. Lets see some Event Horizon footage with some Mario Galaxy sounds next. I smell a hit!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Episode 17: Officer Gerstmann

He Shoots To Kill!!! This dumb loser is all the rage in the game universe, so we need to talk about him. Micheal Bay hates several minorities as well as HD-DVD's. New Ghostbuster details and announcements as well as the nominees for the first annual Sheers!!! All this on more on Episode 17,

Get Episode 17 on MP3 (right click to save as)

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Street Fighter IV in 4D

Holy Crap shoot. This little gem broke via (EGM) this morning. Its the first screen shot from Street Fighter 4. The game may look 3d but its actually going to run in 2d with the added kick (windmill) of a 3d engine. That may be the shocker but Capcom also said that Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and Dhalsim will return. This is the shocker!!! What if that is it! Now I will be the first to say that Street Fighter really needs to go back down to basics. But this strikes me as drastic. I like the core group but come one, Dhalsim??!? Who plays as Dhalsim? I think he's gotta be in the line up but if your cutting down to basics why not just include DJ while your at it.

Its nice to see Capcom taking a risk with the 2D-3D mix and the cutting of 30+ characters. I don't think they would being doing anyone a service by merely meeting the expect ions and desires of 2D fan boys who just wanna be cheep with Guile all night long. (suck it you hair gelled bitch) So here we go.... Street Fighter IV I am officially handing you the ball. Please don't drop it

Monday, December 3, 2007

Episode 16: WOWTHUG

Hello friends, episode 16 is up and this week is heavy on news and some interesting debates. Listen in as the fellas tare apart the news headlines this week, including the recent firing of a certain gamespot reviewer, new DLC, and where in the world is Carmen Sandiago? All of this and the guys are joined by old (literally) school gamer Brian Motter.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

GTA IV Coming Never

Rockstar who is quickly becoming the scarlet letter of video game development companies. This stems from the variety of press they earn monthly for mostly negative reasons which in turn creates a buzz amongst gamers who feed off of controversy. I will be the first to say that I crave Rockstar's (Rockstar...) attitude when it comes to how they present themselves in the media and the content they choose to put in games. Their name is only shadowed by the names they have introduced into the community; from the lead singer (GTA), down to the drummer, (Bully), its simply not a Rockstar game without controversy.

That being said Rockstar is really pulling the bowl away from the proverbial dog, with the number of delays and teasers that have proceeded the games original launch date of this fall. I for one hate this growing trend of development blogs and weekly updates that reveal different parts of the game, only to leave you wanting more when you finally get it in your hands. Exhibit A: Smash Bros Brawl; a game that will define the Wii and keep Nintendo fan boys happy for years to come. A Nintendo-self calibration such as this is only spoiled by the fact that every week a new character or power up or fucking item (who cares) is revealed. Imagine the excitement I would have if when i fired up Smash Bros, Bamm!!! Snake and the Grey Fox from Metal Gear. Holy shit balls, I would loose my mind. But no I have to see it on you tube at 3 in the morning where the only reaction I can muster is, woah....zzzzz....

This media overflow that we are accustomed to, ruins everything. Great example was the overly criticized movie, Spiderman 3. Imagine you were walking down the street 2 years ago and a creepy man in an overcoat pulled you into a theater and said, "Hey, you wanna see Spiderman 3?" You would be like sure. Imagine the surprise and joy would of gotten watching the movie without any lame trailers or marketing campaigns. You would of walked out and said holy shit Venom was in that and holy fuck Sand Man was awesome, because some trailer or commercial didn't ruin every seen of the Sand Man.

By this point I'm sure you question what the hell this has to do with GTA4. Well earlier this week Rockstar unveiled the box art in a pretty cool video to remind us that the game is going to eventually play on systems and not just on our computer monitors.

At the end of the video there is a date (12.06.07) for the next trailer. This is where my problem stems from. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF!!! As much as I'm excited about the game and the cool artistic reveal of the box art... STOP PULLING US ALONG. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. GIVE US A SOLID RELEASE YOU PRICKS!.

Let it be known that I say this is as the number one fan of Rockstar and of GTA. I really think these commercials and trailers are unnecessary for the Mega-Ton bomb that they have in their hands. I support delays on great games, I can wait. Just tell me when and I will sit on my hands and count down. Better yet.. put another fucking counter on your site so I can watch that.